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דורית בייניש על ההחלטה לסגירת כביש 443 לפלסטינים

Even if we take into account the fact that absolute segregation of the population groups travelling
on the roads is an extreme and undesirable outcome, we must be careful to refrain from
definitions that ascribe a connotation of segregation, based on the improper foundations of
racist and ethnic discrimination, to the security means enacted for the purpose of protecting
travellers on the roads. The comparison drawn by the petitioners between the use of separate
roads for security reasons and the apartheid policy and accompanying actions formerly implemented
in South Africa, is not a worthy one. The policy of apartheid constituted an especially
grave crime and runs counter to the basic principles of Israeli law… It was a policy of racist
segregation and discrimination on the basis of race and ethnic origin … Not every distinction
between persons, under all circumstances, necessarily constitutes improper discrimination,
and not every improper discrimination is apartheid.


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